Lonesome Lake Trail #2126

4.9 miles (one way)
Trail Use: Low to Moderate
Open To: Hiking, Horseback
Beginning Elevation:
10,005 ft.
Ending Elevation: 11,571 ft.
Elevation Gain:
USGS Map(s):
Holy Cross
Access from Vail
Travel west from Vail on I-70 to Exit 171 for Minturn. Exit here and head south on
Trail Highlights
The trail, newly re-routed, now skirts water diversion pipe. This segment provides the only real climb on the route, which quickly connects to the old footpath. Continue on a gentle grade through woods to the first of two large meadows. Here you can see some old cabins across the meadow to the left. Follow the trail around the west side of this mile-long meadow and then re-enter the woods. You will have to climb a little steeper grade. Soon you will pass a small stream and then come to the second of the meadows. Follow the creek to the other end of the meadow where you will find evidence of past avalanches from the chutes above. The trail then re-enters the woods and begins a steady climb toward the lake. When you reach an open basin, keep to the left side for the last 1/2 mile climb to the grass-covered bench and
Lake . The trail is faint in spots in this last mountain walled glacial valley, so note where you traveled for your return.